Wednesday, September 16, 2009

3 weeks out

Yesterday was 3 weeks from surgery. I reread my blog to see where I was on the other hip at this time. My PT came today but I was somewhat hindered by a sore foot. She discovered that the arch on that side was slightly fallen leading to pain in that bone that sticks out just above the arch. this also contributes to knee pain. You think that just replacing the hip will cause an end to all problems but the reality is that the body has to adjust from the ground up to the new hip. My legs are at last the same length so that I'm sure will cause it's own adjustments in the body.
This is all a good lesson on interconnectedness not only within the body but in the larger world around me. The surgeon needs the support of the staff in the OR but also of the PT's to carry out the rehabbing. Add to that the support from friends bringing food, Jack doing extra duty in dishes and laundry, my son who came for the weekend. I've had a friend send books to read and have enjoyed having time to read.
I learned again how to get up and down from the floor so tried out supported shoulder stand this afternoon.. I'm happy to say it went well and felt great. The last 2 days I've driven myself to my neighbor's heated pool, temp 85. That was a treat. I've made up all sorts of pool exercises for my hip. I hope the weather stays warm for a while so I can do more pool time.
It feels like I'm on this wonderful staycation- if only sleep would come more easily!

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