Thursday, March 11, 2010

a cloudy day

The pictures are of the palapa that overlooks the town. Everything happens here. There was a power ropes class going on when I arrived to go to yoga and last night had been a big party for the "Gruppo Sayulita". this is a fundraiser and this group supports all the services in town. Nick had done the posters and invites for it but fortunately for me did not feel the need to go.
Today is cloudy and cool, probably 75 so not so bad. The house is quiet,relatively, as Treva and Astrid are in Houston. There are still dogs, cats, roosters and various venders.
After we dropped them at the airport we went to Costco and Walmart. I had never been to a Costco before. It was pretty impressive as we bought food,new insides for Nick's toilet,wine and could have bought seafood.We didn't buy seafood because we were going to the fish market in Sayulita but by the time we got there after siesta time they had only shrimp left. We cooked them and had leftovers. Delicious.
Nick was stressed as today he was welcoming his friend, Gaby's, rental clients as Gaby was teaching Treva's art class. I went to yoga while Nick was greeting them and drove the cart home. then we went to school to see if Gaby needed help. He didn't, everything was under control. He was teaching art to 5th and 6 the grade kids. We all went to lunch afterwards to let them both decompress. Both of them had been very nervous about their new jobs. Really funny to see these accomplished cool guys so stressed but I could totally relate to both- doing something new and unfamiliar is scary and kids know when you are not being true. Gaby probably had the scarier role, and as they are both perfectionists they wanted to do their best - and they did.

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