Friday, May 15, 2009

moving out

I seem to have wifi this morning. It has been an action packed morning. 4:45 draw blood to see coumadin levels, 7:15 doctor visit. 8 am physical therapist shows up. While all of this is going on Sandra Shepard who is the patient facilitator comes and says, after deciding to go to the Colonnades because the laurels didn't have a bed until SAt, I could stay in the hospital that extra day but would have paid out of pocket, now space has opened up in Lovingston. So big decisions while all is going on around me. I chose to go to Lovingston as all had been set up there in terms of meals etc.
The hospital has been a nice experience particularly as my daughter Marina has been a wonderful nurse. I am walking with a walker and doing my therapy so each day I hope to be stronger and stronger. My biggest issue is as usaual sleep. I'm a side sleeper and I now have to sleep on my back, there are worse issues one could have.
Thanks so much for all the healing energy and thoughts they definitely help.
Hopefully more news from Lovingston

1 comment:

  1. Go MOM! Don't go too fast but wow, up and walking this quickly seems amazing to me.

    All our love,
    Nick, Treva & Astrid
