Sunday, June 21, 2009


My PT exercises this week were about learning to balance on one leg. Used not to be a problem. Now the new hip side has not only to build strength but feel the balance without the feedback from the hip socket- since it is now titanium! the not yet done hip knows where to find the balance but standing too long on this leg with very little cartilage there, sets up a groin spasm that then goes to the whole hip. So I'm trying to find a happy medium between doing and not overdoing. Isn't this what we deal with in yoga? The balance between effort and surrender, the essence of life as well.

I am able to get down into the bath tub for a soak, showers have been the only way up to now. Some people are shower people some are tub soakers I'm the latter. It's been 6 weeks since the last soak, interesting that I don't like the water as hot as before! Also since my tub is short and I'm not supposed to let my leg externally rotate lying with knees up in the air isn't as nice. Complain complain!

I have begun to do supported shoulder stand and that is blissful. My son has set up a new practice space for me with my horse, wall ropes, back bender all in one tidy space so I'm now anxious to get back to rope sirsasana(headstand). My daughter had started the cleaning out process and he was able to finish it.

Wednesday is my 6 weeks appointment with the doc and I hope he will give me the green light for driving my car. I will then go back to teaching. I have enjoyed having extra time to tour my garden but I feel the need for discipline.

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