Thursday, June 11, 2009


It is a very interesting process to relearn things that one takes for granted, things like getting up and down from the floor and sitting down on the floor.
I have certain restrictions from the doc because of the anterior approach that he used. I can bend forward all I want (this is a blessing) but cannot take the operated leg into extension(this is taking the leg behind you). I may not cross my leg over the midline of the body so no leg crossing.This means sleeping with a pillow between my legs so during sleeping I don't take my leg over the body. I may not externally or internally rotate that leg. Try getting up and down from a seated position on the floor without dropping your hips to either side!
A PT comes twice a week for an hour of therapy. We have joked that it's my karma to now be the student of the strict teacher! I have enjoyed working with her as she has a knowledge of some yoga so I can have her assess some poses that I long to do. Now that I am working on the floor things like dog pose, utkatasana( which is actually one of my PT exercises), bridge, dandasana are possible. It is surprising to me how difficult dog pose is for me. I have lost both strength and flexiblity. Sitting on my heels requires a pillow behind my knees.

I had hoped that the operation would help my left groin pain but alas it's still there. Obviously there's another hip replacement in my future but I can't think of that just yet. While I have loved the help and attention I have received being an invalid is not my cup of tea.
Tuesday marked 4 weeks since surgery so I have come a long way from there. I do not use the walker any more and can walk a short distance without the cane. I have been out in my garden and walked up the hill to where my normal bed is. The decks have now been cleaned and repaired so they aren't slippery. the day when I can move back to my bed are not too far away.

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