Sunday, July 26, 2009

mea culpa

It's been a while since I've added anything I apologize. I tend to want to report only good news( don't we all?)
My new hip, as I refer to it, is doing well. I lack some strength in the muscles to lift the leg up when lying prone keeping the hip bones down on the floor. But I have been using my neighbor's pool to exercise in. I also continue with PT doing the "nustep" and lifting wieghts on my ankles.

I have been limited somewhat this last week as first I had a painful and swollen left knee and then the swelling moved down to my ankle. Now I have a painful instep on the same leg so walking is still not fun. All of these are on the "undone" hip, which has also been giving me a fit.
I'm at the point now where I want to get the other hip done ASAP. I plan on calling the doc to see what's allowed.

I'm going on Friday for a week's yoga retreat in Durango,CO with Patricia Walden. I signed up for this a long time ago and expected to be back in shape for it. I worry some about the long day's airline journey to Durango, and hope I'm up to that. Stay tuned.

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