Thursday, November 26, 2009

giving thanks

I have so much to be grateful for. A loving family, all healthy, a lovely house in the woods, many friends, plenty to eat, the breath and yoga.

I am incredible grateful to the surgeon who performed the miracle that is my new hips. To be able to walk.sit,sleep,kneel without pain seems truly a miracle. This past week I was fortunate enough to be in FL with my teacher Gabriella and to discover that there was still a lot of asana that I could do. It will be a slow journey but I am still revelling in what I can do without pain.

I am looking forward to a lovely thanksgiving dinner with my daughter and son-in-law and 2 of my grandchildren. I will miss the rest of my family some of whom are gathered in Boston with my son and the Mexico group.

I hope all of you are enjoying this day of thanks wherever you are.

Friday, October 16, 2009

coming up to 8 weeks since left hip done

Today when I hiked up the mountain behind our house which goes from 900' to about 1200' I was able to step up on a log with my left foot. this may not seem like such a big deal but for the last few months even getting my left leg over the log was a big painful effort. I felt so uncertain on my legs after the operations as you loose your proprioception because there is no feed back from inside the hip, and now I'm feeling much more confident.
I'm even feeling my old energy coming back in spite of not sleeping well. Being able to bend over and get back up without pain seems so miraculous each time I do it. I got used to counting the steps everywhere to see if I could minimize the effort by carrying a number of things at one time. Now I cross the kitchen and back with nary a thought.
I'm looking forward to taking my first yoga class in ages on Sunday. In my own classes I am a beginner again and it's okay. next weekend I go to Chicago to be an assessor in training for the certification of beginning Iyengar teachers. I've been on the other side so I know what a scary process it is.
Shortly after that Jack and I go to the Outer Banks for a week I can't wait. We usually bird watch, walk the beach and eat lots of seafood. At least this year I will really be able to walk on the beach and not be looking for the nearest place to sit down.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

able to hike again

I was so excited last Sunday as Jack and I went up into the Blue Ridge and did a short hike. It felt so good.
Yesterday I climbed up the hill behind our house to a place near the top where we have added, over the years, to a pile of rocks that was there. The rule is you must bring a new rock to add to the pile when you come to it. I was so thrilled to get up there as it's quite a climb and I hadn't done it for over 6 months. You cannot imagine what it feels like to be able to lift your leg to step over a fallen tree without pain!

My cane is gone so I feel more like a normal person each day. I continue to go to PT and it's hard work but I feel each new day brings new strengths.

I had my checkup with the surgeon and xrays showed " a matched pair of hips" according to the surgeon. Sounds like good news to me. I'm going to try some standing poses this week as he cleared me to cross my legs (on the right). It's useless to ask him about what poses I can do so I'll simply let pain be my guide.

Again thanks for all the support and food!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

some things lost, some things gained

Tomorrow will be 4 weeks from surgery. I have been forced to take coumadin since the operation and am supposed to take it for 6 weeks ,but as I stopped the last time at 4 weeks, I'm doing that again. I am very active so it seems to me the risk of clots is slim.
the nurse comes once a week to measure the level and in spite of increasing the dose I haven't gotten to a 2 yet ( optimum level) so it seems rather pointless to continue.

I noticed today that when I bend forward from the hips I don't have groin pain, nor do I have it when I stand up from sitting and best of all when lying down and doing straight leg lifts there is no pain. This is something i have not been able to do for about 3 years!

Trying to do some yoga poses is another thing. When I think back to the days of dropping back to a back bend from standing, it seems like another lifetime. On the other hand my progress from day to day amazes me. I can and do walk mostly cane free in the house. I feel fairly upright also something I wasn't able to do for years. I can even stand one legged on the new hip side.

Again I have been enjoying cooking though as usual I overdid it and have a back spasm today.
But I have also truly enjoyed the great food we've been brought, including fresh picked green beans and dahlias

One thing I've lost and don't know why my facebook account has been "disabled". I didn't realize how addicted I was to it till I don't have it. So I don't know what anybody is doing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

3 weeks out

Yesterday was 3 weeks from surgery. I reread my blog to see where I was on the other hip at this time. My PT came today but I was somewhat hindered by a sore foot. She discovered that the arch on that side was slightly fallen leading to pain in that bone that sticks out just above the arch. this also contributes to knee pain. You think that just replacing the hip will cause an end to all problems but the reality is that the body has to adjust from the ground up to the new hip. My legs are at last the same length so that I'm sure will cause it's own adjustments in the body.
This is all a good lesson on interconnectedness not only within the body but in the larger world around me. The surgeon needs the support of the staff in the OR but also of the PT's to carry out the rehabbing. Add to that the support from friends bringing food, Jack doing extra duty in dishes and laundry, my son who came for the weekend. I've had a friend send books to read and have enjoyed having time to read.
I learned again how to get up and down from the floor so tried out supported shoulder stand this afternoon.. I'm happy to say it went well and felt great. The last 2 days I've driven myself to my neighbor's heated pool, temp 85. That was a treat. I've made up all sorts of pool exercises for my hip. I hope the weather stays warm for a while so I can do more pool time.
It feels like I'm on this wonderful staycation- if only sleep would come more easily!

Monday, September 7, 2009

home again

I came home on Friday. checking out of the SnF was fast, smooth and painless. When I left the other SNF I had to wait and wait for the paperwork. I heard that the day before I left a woman who had broken her hip and been in there for a month fell as she was saying goodbye to the PT people and broke her other hip!

It was so quiet at home that in the beginning it was a bit unnerving. I managed to get to the farmer's market on Saturday and even cooked a simple meal of chicken breasts and roasted beets. I think jack was glad to have someone cooking and I was glad to eat my own food. I also managed to get in and out of the shower. there is something so healing about water.

Sunday I took as a day of rest as sleeping is still a big issue. A friend came and we picked blueberries and the next morning she brought warm blueberry muffins. What a treat.

The home health nurse came on Saturday and said I was very healthy and my wound looked fine. Today the PT came and we did a few exercises. Fortunately it is a woman with whom I have been working the last few months at her facility to build strength in my first done leg. She will come 3 times a week for a few weeks and the nurse comes 2 times a week. I cannot complain about Medicare- I feel well supported.

Tonight friends brought shrimp and grits, roasted veggies, salad and apple crisp. I over ate. No sooner had they left than another student called to find out when she could bring food. I feel very loved and well cared for. I'll probably get fat!
One of my friends does flower arranging and my lovely children ordered flowers from her. I will post the picture tomorrow.
Life is good.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

computers drive me crazy

I have spent what little free time I have here the last 2 days trying to retrieve my bookmarks. So far I have not been successful in Mozilla but luckily I also have bookmarks in Safari.
Today was again shower day and what a treat! I was a little more used to someone washing me this time and better able to stand during the whole thing.
as soon as I was through I had to go to OT where I prepared a salad. they had bought some lettuce and the OT brought a tomato and cucumber from her garden plus a few baby carrots from her house. So I washed the lettuce, tore it up, cut up cucumber,tomato and carrots added olive oil,braggs vinegar and a little salt and tossed. this is a test to see can I cope at home. all this was done in the PT room which has 8 PT's and the same number of OT's and all the people they are working with at that time. So while I was making my salad someone was making a toasted cheese sandwich, shrimp stirfry and everyone else was being put through their paces by the various PT's. Talk about a circus!
I ate my salad and daily fruit and veggie smoothie sitting in the sun and barely finished before being whisked back to the same room for my PT. I did my various exercises until 3:30 when my friend Susan came to visit. I was escorting her out when Jack arrived.
He stayed a bit then I worked on the computer then my daughter came with a wonderful dinner-parmesan chicken,asparagus,quinoa and Caribbean black beans.
I plan on going home on Friday and since I've passed my tests and the PT's think I'm doing well,I can walk with a cane again.
Just had a nurses aide who turned down my bed, she was from Liberia and has 9 living children.
What a place.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Whew this is a busy place!

As I was eating breakfast this morning someone from the PT dept. came and told me to be ready at 10am for my PT. Shortly after that Laurie who was the wife of the adorable young PT, Dave,who was my PT at the hospital, would come for me at 10:30.
I was told my hair apt. was at 10am too, of course. I decided having my hair washed trumped PT, She did a wonderful job of blow drying my hair and gave a good shampoo so my day was made.
I then went on to PT to meet Laurie. I did 1/2 hours or upper body work- I'll probably not be able to lift my arms tomorrow since I've done none for a week. I was allowed 1/2 for lunch,my smoothie, some almonds, fresh figs and plums eaten sitting in the sun!
Went back to PT and Ralph started my leg PT. Finally at 3:30 I had visitors coming so I quit! I walked up and down steps, 20 minutes on nustep, many bridges, several other leg exercises and then walking down the hall with a cane! I have been using a walker but was surprised to find I did okay with the cane.
Then friends came for a visit of about an hour, sitting out in the sun. Then Jack and my granddaughter Alexi and Marina all showed up. Marina brought a delicious dinner and a little wine and so we sat outside. I ate while we all talked. Now I'm in bed with my leg elevated and an ice pack on as it's very swollen. This happened before so it didn't freak me out. But it sure looks gross.
So never a dull moment- we'll see what tomorrow brings!
I'm planning on going home on Friday- at this rate I'll have to go home to rest! But I'm here for the PT and can't believe how each day I'm stronger and stronger. There are a number of women here who were operated on last week as well- one with hip replacement one with knee replacement, it's the place to be for rehab.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

life in a SNF

I came yesterday to a SNF a polite word for "nursing home". They have special wings now for rehabing people who've had surgery and need PT. It's in Charlottesville. The last hip I went to one in Lovingston. That was a lovely rural setting with lots of green around and view of a small mountain. And it was quiet! The advantage here is my daughter is close enough that she can bring me morning coffee, fruit and veggie smoothies, and either lunch or dinner.
They are much more official here. I was greeted by a staffer who itemized everything I brought with me- everything in my suitcase. When we got to all the supplements I brought I persuaded her not to mention them and I would be quiet about them as well. You are not allowed to self medicate, but it irked me before that I listed all my supplements and then the doc prescribes them and the nurse gives them to you. You can bet they are not the same quality as I buy plus a large margin for error so this time I didn't list anything and am doing it all subrosa- I much better way!
I was pleasantly surprised on waking this am to be asked if I would like a shower. Last time I was not allowed a shower until the staples had been removed which happens about 10 days from surgery. Here, if you have staples you get to shower Saturdays and Wednesdays! A lovely woman helped clean me, doing things like feet that I couldn't reach, and my back even my crotch! Anyway the running water and care felt wonderful. Then I put my body lotion on and was evaluated in dressing myself by an OT. I passed thank goodness! So now that she sees I can dress myself I'm told I will learn kitchen prepping, can't wait to see what that will be.
Then I had PT. At this point some bed exercises, some quite painful, walking with the walker, 15 minutes on the nustep. It looks like a recumbent bicycle but the legs bend and straighten. I've been doing that in my post surgery rehab so it was interesting to compare how it feels now. It didn't hurt so much in my left groin as presurgery so that was a plus! Then I practiced walking up and down steps.
they have 2 courtyards here and I spend a lot of time there as my roommate has the tv on most of the day, soaps, contests and cooking shows. It feels so good to be outside and it's quiet!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday 2 dayspost op

this is the life- I'm free of all lines, no i.v. no catheter. It means I can be independent! The staff here is great but seems more limited and too busy since 3 months ago, so being able to do things for yourself is a big plus.
I had a blood transfusion yesterday and that helped me to feel better. My blood pressure stays low after these operations so the ransfusion brings it up. Also this time the epidural didn't work so I ended up with a general and that makes you feel yucky.

I finally took an Ambien last night as I was going crazy with no sleep. I roll around alot and sleep on my sides, here I'm limited to on my back- so my butt gets really tired. Even broken sleep is better than none. During the night there's a lot going on- i. v. bags run out and beep, vital signs get taken several times, chest xray since i'm going to a SNF and I had tb as a child, draw blood. In the day the OT and PT come. The doc checks in once of twice a day, so it is a busy place.
My roommate is about to go home so hopefully I'll be alone in here tonight. She has the window side so I hope I can take the curtain away and see the tree.

I have these pads on my lower legs that pump successively up towards the knee to keep from getting blood clots as well as the Coumadin. Of course when I get up I take them off.

Lunch is here. A make your own hummus sandwich.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


hi - jack here. sandra operation no.2 was today (tuesday) and the doctor said all went well. she is beat, but okay and hopefully will update this herself tomorrow....jack

Friday, August 21, 2009

here we go again

Everything has been put in place to have my other hip replaced on Tuesday Aug. 25th at 10:20 am. I hope you will all send love and light and wishes for the surgeon to be clear headed and sure of hand.
I've had preop visit with surgeon, preop physical with my family doctor, given some blood so they have my blood type ready, should I need it- and I needed it the last go around and visited another "Skilled Nursing Facility" or SNF as it's called and let them know I wanted to be there come next Friday. You can't decide where you want to be as the beds are first come first served, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can go where I looked.
It's a different one than I went to last go around. I was very happy where I was and managed to have a private room but it was not as convenient to my daughter who I hope will be bringing me some food to supplement what they offer at the SNF, as institution food is institution food and I believe good nutrition is a major part of the healing process.
This place does at least have high speed internet so I can post. The last place they hardly had any idea what I was talking about.
I hope I'll be in the hospital again for 3 days then on to the SNF for a week and then home. I'm hopefull my yoga students will rally around again and help keep me fed once I'm home.

I can't believe I'm doing this all over again so soon but the "done" hip feels so good and the "undone" one is painfull all the time. So I look forward to a new painfree life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

back from Durango

This is the view from my kingsized bed at Blue Lake Ranch where the yoga workshop was held. It was a wonderful vacation from hot humid VA. It was joyfull to be with all my yoga buddies.Three of us shared a wonderful casita.
I was fortunate enough to have a mentor in class. A woman teacher who had had both hips replaced. It was encouraging to see what she could do a year after surgery. Patricia was also kind in giving me a series of things to do to open my upper back, it tends to get stiff and especially from using a cane I get a bit bent over. So although I mostly did my own asana program I was able to enjoy myself thoroughly.
The pranayama in the afternoons was especially beneficial to me.
I was a bit worried about the rigors of airline travel and the long walks between gates but for once I played it smart and ordered wheel chairs to transport me between planes. It was definitely the way to go.
I have a date for the other hip to be done and at this point can hardly wait to be out of pain.
It will be Tuesday, Aug. 25th at 10:20am. This is the same time as my last surgery so hopefully that is auspicious.
I hope you will all keep me in your thoughts.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

mea culpa

It's been a while since I've added anything I apologize. I tend to want to report only good news( don't we all?)
My new hip, as I refer to it, is doing well. I lack some strength in the muscles to lift the leg up when lying prone keeping the hip bones down on the floor. But I have been using my neighbor's pool to exercise in. I also continue with PT doing the "nustep" and lifting wieghts on my ankles.

I have been limited somewhat this last week as first I had a painful and swollen left knee and then the swelling moved down to my ankle. Now I have a painful instep on the same leg so walking is still not fun. All of these are on the "undone" hip, which has also been giving me a fit.
I'm at the point now where I want to get the other hip done ASAP. I plan on calling the doc to see what's allowed.

I'm going on Friday for a week's yoga retreat in Durango,CO with Patricia Walden. I signed up for this a long time ago and expected to be back in shape for it. I worry some about the long day's airline journey to Durango, and hope I'm up to that. Stay tuned.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

in the garden

We have had a lot of rain this summer which means my garden is alive with color. It also has not been too hot or humid to get out there and enjoy it(at least till today). I took some pictures the other day and although they did show what was in bloom they were not great pictures. Like everything else if you want a good product you have to spend time at it- that's not me, I want instant gratification. Of course I don't mind spending hours in the kitchen preparing a good meal but to sit at the computer and try to bring focus and beauty when the time to have done it was in composing the picture!

This week has been up and down. I have been plagued with a back spasm that just won't quit. My new hip is doing great although the last several days my knee has been speaking to me. I spent some time in my neighbor's heated swimming pool- that was a blessing. I did my version of PT exercises in the water- what a luxury.

I have a friend who comes on Sunday's and we sit for 45 minutes. I chose our spot badly today and ended up in full sun. It required every bit of my yogic discipline to stay with it.
thee sun was too hot, the birds were too loud and on and on. As usual just as I surrendered to "we'll be here all day" the bell rang for the end.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I can feel my new hip getting stronger with every day. I walked down the driveway yesterday with Jack and could almost keep up with him. Today. at the suggestion of a yoga teacher friend who had 2 new hips, I will practice walking with hiking poles instead of a cane. It should feel more balanced and give me more mobility in my upper back, which I sorely need.
I have gone back to my normal teaching schedule and it feels funny to teach without demonstrating. Although I am limited in what I can do for several more months still it feels good to be teaching again.

A word of caution- Jack contracted Lyme disease and got on antibiotics in time to not feel so badly, but I have heard of several cases. Certainly we have many ticks this year. So be sure to check yourselves if you go out walking.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

free at last!

I no longer need a chauffeur, that is a very nice feeling. Driving does not seem a problem for the new hip. Getting in and out of the car is still an issue with the hip that's not yet done. At least I'm not so dependent anymore. Since I have been sent now to outpatient PT it's nice that I can drive myself.

When I went to the doc on Wednesday I took "Yoga the Iyengar Way" and pointed to several poses that I had hoped I could do as it's now 6 weeks.He nixed all of them at least for 6 more weeks. In his office I bent forwrd to pick up something on the floor. He was a little upset that I bent so far forward ( he said 90 degrees) so I said it was lucky he didn't see me picking up things at home. Now that my wall ropes are up I want to do rope sirsasana, his comment was "why would anyone want to stand on their heads?" So I gave up and asked my new PT who happens also to be a yoga teacher and she didn't think it would be an issue so I will try.
This is definitely a lesson in patience as I feel myself getting fatter and stiffer with each passing day. the good news is I can walk in the house without a cane. But I use the cane sometimes to relieve some of the pressure on the undone side.I keep the cane on the side that was operated on which is not the normal but this way it helps out the painful side. I'm told this is also normal, but I feel it is holding up my progress some as it flares up often after my PT sessions.

The last of my children, who had all come in turn to help out, left yesterday. I was sad as it was such a treat for a mom to have each one to myself. They were all wonderful helps and I'm so grateful to them for taking time from their lives to help me out. I am indeed fortunate to have such great children.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


last of roses for now St. John's wort


My PT exercises this week were about learning to balance on one leg. Used not to be a problem. Now the new hip side has not only to build strength but feel the balance without the feedback from the hip socket- since it is now titanium! the not yet done hip knows where to find the balance but standing too long on this leg with very little cartilage there, sets up a groin spasm that then goes to the whole hip. So I'm trying to find a happy medium between doing and not overdoing. Isn't this what we deal with in yoga? The balance between effort and surrender, the essence of life as well.

I am able to get down into the bath tub for a soak, showers have been the only way up to now. Some people are shower people some are tub soakers I'm the latter. It's been 6 weeks since the last soak, interesting that I don't like the water as hot as before! Also since my tub is short and I'm not supposed to let my leg externally rotate lying with knees up in the air isn't as nice. Complain complain!

I have begun to do supported shoulder stand and that is blissful. My son has set up a new practice space for me with my horse, wall ropes, back bender all in one tidy space so I'm now anxious to get back to rope sirsasana(headstand). My daughter had started the cleaning out process and he was able to finish it.

Wednesday is my 6 weeks appointment with the doc and I hope he will give me the green light for driving my car. I will then go back to teaching. I have enjoyed having extra time to tour my garden but I feel the need for discipline.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


It is a very interesting process to relearn things that one takes for granted, things like getting up and down from the floor and sitting down on the floor.
I have certain restrictions from the doc because of the anterior approach that he used. I can bend forward all I want (this is a blessing) but cannot take the operated leg into extension(this is taking the leg behind you). I may not cross my leg over the midline of the body so no leg crossing.This means sleeping with a pillow between my legs so during sleeping I don't take my leg over the body. I may not externally or internally rotate that leg. Try getting up and down from a seated position on the floor without dropping your hips to either side!
A PT comes twice a week for an hour of therapy. We have joked that it's my karma to now be the student of the strict teacher! I have enjoyed working with her as she has a knowledge of some yoga so I can have her assess some poses that I long to do. Now that I am working on the floor things like dog pose, utkatasana( which is actually one of my PT exercises), bridge, dandasana are possible. It is surprising to me how difficult dog pose is for me. I have lost both strength and flexiblity. Sitting on my heels requires a pillow behind my knees.

I had hoped that the operation would help my left groin pain but alas it's still there. Obviously there's another hip replacement in my future but I can't think of that just yet. While I have loved the help and attention I have received being an invalid is not my cup of tea.
Tuesday marked 4 weeks since surgery so I have come a long way from there. I do not use the walker any more and can walk a short distance without the cane. I have been out in my garden and walked up the hill to where my normal bed is. The decks have now been cleaned and repaired so they aren't slippery. the day when I can move back to my bed are not too far away.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

an update at last!

I have been derelict I know. I have had my children here taking care of me. It has been glorious to have them one at a time and savor our time together. But we have not been idle. They have tackled jobs that I had been unable to do for a while so gutters have been cleaned, deck has been scrubbed,kitchen drawers cleaned, pantry cleaned,giant logs rolled away from the house, etc.. They have made numerous trips to the recycling and giving away shed. I am beginning to feel much lighter as clutter had begun to accumulate to an unwelcome size.
On top of all this labor they prepared delicious healthy meals for me. I have been treated to breakfast in bed with newspaper- such a luxury! I have been queen for many days. I am again so grateful and impressed anew with their generosity of spirit- they worked their butts off!!

I was too tired in the evening to get to the blog so I appologize. the next entry will be more of a report on the hip replacement,what it involves, the restrictions, and my progress in general.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

home meals

Life at home is still in the fast lane. I have been so fortunate to have wonderful meals both by my temporarily resident daughter and faithful yoga students and friends. Sunday night was gumbo and rice and last night my chef friend cooked the meal pictured-fresh asparagus,malabar spinach,roasted sweet potatoes,salmon,poached with fennel and mushrooms,rhubarb pie and wine. I will be too spoiled to be around.
The other picture is me and my PT at the rehab place on the 9th day post-op. walking down the hill.Perhaps you can see that she has her hand on what I called my leash- a belt on my waist so she had control in case I fell!
I walk in the house with a walker and use the cane in the garden and going to the doctor which I had to do today to have the thickness of my blood measured as I am on coumaden.
The people who send the PT, and OT came today to set things up so tomorrow at 8:30am the therapist will show up.I finally had time today to do my exercises and that felt good.
My staples have been removed and my scar is healing nicely. Still having problems sleeping but feeling good about my progress.
Thanks again for all your good wishes.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

home at last !!!!

This will be short tonight more details tomorrow.
My daughter Sheila picked me up at the rehab center and after a few snafus I was allowed out. Many funny stories from inside later.
I revelled in my garden which is still in it's spring profusion of peonies roses iris, walking through on a cane. Jack's hand when I needed it was there. Sheila fixed a fantastic lunch, I took a nap on my new bed( as I cannot yet walk up the hill to my normal bed, so am on a pull out bed with new mattress). then another fantastic meal by Sheila with fresh garden peas, asparagus,chicken mediteranien(sp) all from our farmers market.
Then my first shower in 12 days and clean hair. I don't have any of the things one is supposed to have onthe way of grab bars and tub bench but nevertheless survived and enjoyed the feeling of water flowing on skin.
I'm not in much pain. I use Tylenol and the last one was 24 hours ago.

I'm so grateful to all who visited,sent cards,emails, and brought delicious food to the rehab place, you have no idea what it meant to me.
It's nice to be in the quiet. More tomorrow,

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

doing good

sandra is doing so well it is a bit frightening. using the walker, she can do almost anything, and she is getting better every day with her cane. actually, she kinda likes the walker because it has a basket and she can haul a lot more than she can in her purse. anyway, she will be coming home on friday and can take over this, this will be my last posting unless something dramatic happens.

Monday, May 18, 2009


opps. this was accidently posted to her earlier blog. sorry about that. but the news is that sandra is now walking with a cane instead of the walker. she walked that way today outside with her therapist. she will probably be sore, but a good sore. her progress is amazing...she has gotten some rest, is in good spirits and getting stronger every day. she is very appreciative of all the visits and good food, which are helping her heal.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

sunday night

sorry but thunderstorms and much lightening kept the internet off the air saturday because we use a satellite connection. sandra continues to improve and grow stronger...using the walker like a pro...a little swelling remains in the leg and she has some occasional pain, but progress is visible and she is receiving regular therapy in lovingston. she particularly enjoys the visits from her friends (and the meals they have brought -- one thing about nelson -they certainly know how to cook great, healthy food that will help her heal). just a note...sandra has her cell phone with her. the storms disabled our home phones, which we are told should be repaired by 9 p.m. monday.

Friday, May 15, 2009

in Lovingston

Sandra went Friday to Lovingston Health Center for about a week of rehab. Again, she was tired but liked the therapy team and felt okay. She is doing well, very well. Her room is quiet but does not have internet, but she does have her cell phone. For locals, she is in room 31. there were no posted visiting hours. the time will pass quickly.

moving out

I seem to have wifi this morning. It has been an action packed morning. 4:45 draw blood to see coumadin levels, 7:15 doctor visit. 8 am physical therapist shows up. While all of this is going on Sandra Shepard who is the patient facilitator comes and says, after deciding to go to the Colonnades because the laurels didn't have a bed until SAt, I could stay in the hospital that extra day but would have paid out of pocket, now space has opened up in Lovingston. So big decisions while all is going on around me. I chose to go to Lovingston as all had been set up there in terms of meals etc.
The hospital has been a nice experience particularly as my daughter Marina has been a wonderful nurse. I am walking with a walker and doing my therapy so each day I hope to be stronger and stronger. My biggest issue is as usaual sleep. I'm a side sleeper and I now have to sleep on my back, there are worse issues one could have.
Thanks so much for all the healing energy and thoughts they definitely help.
Hopefully more news from Lovingston


A space became available in Lovingston and Sandra elected to stick with her original plan. She WILL be completing rehab at the Lovingston Health Care Center on Front Street. We plan to deliver her this afternoon and hopefully, that is the final change. but who knows. keep tuned.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

up and about

hi all - sandra cannot connect with the hospital wifi or she would have written this. she is up and walking with a walker. doctor thinks all is going okay. she will NOT be going to lovingston for rehab as at the last minute, they did not have room for her. she will be in charlottesville, but has not found an open space yet. hopefully, we will know sometime tomorrow. she looks and feels a lot better. each day she is stronger. big improvement and once we get the rehab location resolved, all should be good. thanks for all your good thoughts and support.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

day two

hi - this is jack again. day two was a bit down....reason - fatigue. sandra felt really tired and the constant activity of a hospital did not permit a lot of rest...and there was a little pain. difficulties included an edict that essential oils were out (the hospital) and most of her favorite greens were out (the doctor said interfered with a medication.) sandra was up and sat in a chair for an hour or so and, although dragging, she was lucid and in fairly good spirits. she indicated she would be back to this blog soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sandra's progress

marina and i are with sandra in her room; she is awake and has no pain. she had a local anesthesia and is comfortable. .....jack


hi - this is jack. sandra is out of surgery. doctor says all went well and she is still in recovery. no problems. will update this later today but so far, all the news is good. ---- jack


Monday, May 11, 2009

face the music time

Well the big day is no longer in the future. I'm mostly packed and have taken several extra trips to my garden. Jack bought a digital frame and filled it with his glorious photos of my garden so I will have close to the real thing in my room for comfort.
One of my students who had this last year has loaned me all the equipment she used in her recovery so I am most grateful to her for that. She has also loaned a small dvd player and dvd's for my off hours. I know they keep you really busy with therapy.
I will teach pranayama tonight so hopefully I can suck in much good prana for the days ahead.
Jack will keep you posted till I can do it.
Love to all, Sandra

Friday, May 8, 2009


Dear one and all- My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday May 12th at 10:20, it will be anterior, Dr Thomas Schildwachter is the surgeon. He is a former lacrosse player and has bummed up knees because of it. He does lots of hips and in fact I will be his 2nd one on Tuesday. He promised he would practice on the one a head of me.

I will be at Martha Jefferson Hosp. until Friday if all goes well and then go to Lovingston Health Care Center on Front St. I will let you know when and if I need food. I think I will be pretty out of it while at the hospital so please hold your visits until Lovingston at least.

I've had preop pysical and EKG and have had some blood taken so in case I have to have an infusion they can match it. My blood work at the physical showed low thyroid but good other than that. So I hope I 'm in good shape.

It may take me a few days to make a post unless I can teach Jack how to do it. We will try to keep it up to date.

I appreciate so much everyone's concern and loving thoughts. I will be carried through all of this on your love.