Monday, August 31, 2009

Whew this is a busy place!

As I was eating breakfast this morning someone from the PT dept. came and told me to be ready at 10am for my PT. Shortly after that Laurie who was the wife of the adorable young PT, Dave,who was my PT at the hospital, would come for me at 10:30.
I was told my hair apt. was at 10am too, of course. I decided having my hair washed trumped PT, She did a wonderful job of blow drying my hair and gave a good shampoo so my day was made.
I then went on to PT to meet Laurie. I did 1/2 hours or upper body work- I'll probably not be able to lift my arms tomorrow since I've done none for a week. I was allowed 1/2 for lunch,my smoothie, some almonds, fresh figs and plums eaten sitting in the sun!
Went back to PT and Ralph started my leg PT. Finally at 3:30 I had visitors coming so I quit! I walked up and down steps, 20 minutes on nustep, many bridges, several other leg exercises and then walking down the hall with a cane! I have been using a walker but was surprised to find I did okay with the cane.
Then friends came for a visit of about an hour, sitting out in the sun. Then Jack and my granddaughter Alexi and Marina all showed up. Marina brought a delicious dinner and a little wine and so we sat outside. I ate while we all talked. Now I'm in bed with my leg elevated and an ice pack on as it's very swollen. This happened before so it didn't freak me out. But it sure looks gross.
So never a dull moment- we'll see what tomorrow brings!
I'm planning on going home on Friday- at this rate I'll have to go home to rest! But I'm here for the PT and can't believe how each day I'm stronger and stronger. There are a number of women here who were operated on last week as well- one with hip replacement one with knee replacement, it's the place to be for rehab.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

life in a SNF

I came yesterday to a SNF a polite word for "nursing home". They have special wings now for rehabing people who've had surgery and need PT. It's in Charlottesville. The last hip I went to one in Lovingston. That was a lovely rural setting with lots of green around and view of a small mountain. And it was quiet! The advantage here is my daughter is close enough that she can bring me morning coffee, fruit and veggie smoothies, and either lunch or dinner.
They are much more official here. I was greeted by a staffer who itemized everything I brought with me- everything in my suitcase. When we got to all the supplements I brought I persuaded her not to mention them and I would be quiet about them as well. You are not allowed to self medicate, but it irked me before that I listed all my supplements and then the doc prescribes them and the nurse gives them to you. You can bet they are not the same quality as I buy plus a large margin for error so this time I didn't list anything and am doing it all subrosa- I much better way!
I was pleasantly surprised on waking this am to be asked if I would like a shower. Last time I was not allowed a shower until the staples had been removed which happens about 10 days from surgery. Here, if you have staples you get to shower Saturdays and Wednesdays! A lovely woman helped clean me, doing things like feet that I couldn't reach, and my back even my crotch! Anyway the running water and care felt wonderful. Then I put my body lotion on and was evaluated in dressing myself by an OT. I passed thank goodness! So now that she sees I can dress myself I'm told I will learn kitchen prepping, can't wait to see what that will be.
Then I had PT. At this point some bed exercises, some quite painful, walking with the walker, 15 minutes on the nustep. It looks like a recumbent bicycle but the legs bend and straighten. I've been doing that in my post surgery rehab so it was interesting to compare how it feels now. It didn't hurt so much in my left groin as presurgery so that was a plus! Then I practiced walking up and down steps.
they have 2 courtyards here and I spend a lot of time there as my roommate has the tv on most of the day, soaps, contests and cooking shows. It feels so good to be outside and it's quiet!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday 2 dayspost op

this is the life- I'm free of all lines, no i.v. no catheter. It means I can be independent! The staff here is great but seems more limited and too busy since 3 months ago, so being able to do things for yourself is a big plus.
I had a blood transfusion yesterday and that helped me to feel better. My blood pressure stays low after these operations so the ransfusion brings it up. Also this time the epidural didn't work so I ended up with a general and that makes you feel yucky.

I finally took an Ambien last night as I was going crazy with no sleep. I roll around alot and sleep on my sides, here I'm limited to on my back- so my butt gets really tired. Even broken sleep is better than none. During the night there's a lot going on- i. v. bags run out and beep, vital signs get taken several times, chest xray since i'm going to a SNF and I had tb as a child, draw blood. In the day the OT and PT come. The doc checks in once of twice a day, so it is a busy place.
My roommate is about to go home so hopefully I'll be alone in here tonight. She has the window side so I hope I can take the curtain away and see the tree.

I have these pads on my lower legs that pump successively up towards the knee to keep from getting blood clots as well as the Coumadin. Of course when I get up I take them off.

Lunch is here. A make your own hummus sandwich.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


hi - jack here. sandra operation no.2 was today (tuesday) and the doctor said all went well. she is beat, but okay and hopefully will update this herself tomorrow....jack

Friday, August 21, 2009

here we go again

Everything has been put in place to have my other hip replaced on Tuesday Aug. 25th at 10:20 am. I hope you will all send love and light and wishes for the surgeon to be clear headed and sure of hand.
I've had preop visit with surgeon, preop physical with my family doctor, given some blood so they have my blood type ready, should I need it- and I needed it the last go around and visited another "Skilled Nursing Facility" or SNF as it's called and let them know I wanted to be there come next Friday. You can't decide where you want to be as the beds are first come first served, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can go where I looked.
It's a different one than I went to last go around. I was very happy where I was and managed to have a private room but it was not as convenient to my daughter who I hope will be bringing me some food to supplement what they offer at the SNF, as institution food is institution food and I believe good nutrition is a major part of the healing process.
This place does at least have high speed internet so I can post. The last place they hardly had any idea what I was talking about.
I hope I'll be in the hospital again for 3 days then on to the SNF for a week and then home. I'm hopefull my yoga students will rally around again and help keep me fed once I'm home.

I can't believe I'm doing this all over again so soon but the "done" hip feels so good and the "undone" one is painfull all the time. So I look forward to a new painfree life.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

back from Durango

This is the view from my kingsized bed at Blue Lake Ranch where the yoga workshop was held. It was a wonderful vacation from hot humid VA. It was joyfull to be with all my yoga buddies.Three of us shared a wonderful casita.
I was fortunate enough to have a mentor in class. A woman teacher who had had both hips replaced. It was encouraging to see what she could do a year after surgery. Patricia was also kind in giving me a series of things to do to open my upper back, it tends to get stiff and especially from using a cane I get a bit bent over. So although I mostly did my own asana program I was able to enjoy myself thoroughly.
The pranayama in the afternoons was especially beneficial to me.
I was a bit worried about the rigors of airline travel and the long walks between gates but for once I played it smart and ordered wheel chairs to transport me between planes. It was definitely the way to go.
I have a date for the other hip to be done and at this point can hardly wait to be out of pain.
It will be Tuesday, Aug. 25th at 10:20am. This is the same time as my last surgery so hopefully that is auspicious.
I hope you will all keep me in your thoughts.