Friday, October 16, 2009

coming up to 8 weeks since left hip done

Today when I hiked up the mountain behind our house which goes from 900' to about 1200' I was able to step up on a log with my left foot. this may not seem like such a big deal but for the last few months even getting my left leg over the log was a big painful effort. I felt so uncertain on my legs after the operations as you loose your proprioception because there is no feed back from inside the hip, and now I'm feeling much more confident.
I'm even feeling my old energy coming back in spite of not sleeping well. Being able to bend over and get back up without pain seems so miraculous each time I do it. I got used to counting the steps everywhere to see if I could minimize the effort by carrying a number of things at one time. Now I cross the kitchen and back with nary a thought.
I'm looking forward to taking my first yoga class in ages on Sunday. In my own classes I am a beginner again and it's okay. next weekend I go to Chicago to be an assessor in training for the certification of beginning Iyengar teachers. I've been on the other side so I know what a scary process it is.
Shortly after that Jack and I go to the Outer Banks for a week I can't wait. We usually bird watch, walk the beach and eat lots of seafood. At least this year I will really be able to walk on the beach and not be looking for the nearest place to sit down.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

able to hike again

I was so excited last Sunday as Jack and I went up into the Blue Ridge and did a short hike. It felt so good.
Yesterday I climbed up the hill behind our house to a place near the top where we have added, over the years, to a pile of rocks that was there. The rule is you must bring a new rock to add to the pile when you come to it. I was so thrilled to get up there as it's quite a climb and I hadn't done it for over 6 months. You cannot imagine what it feels like to be able to lift your leg to step over a fallen tree without pain!

My cane is gone so I feel more like a normal person each day. I continue to go to PT and it's hard work but I feel each new day brings new strengths.

I had my checkup with the surgeon and xrays showed " a matched pair of hips" according to the surgeon. Sounds like good news to me. I'm going to try some standing poses this week as he cleared me to cross my legs (on the right). It's useless to ask him about what poses I can do so I'll simply let pain be my guide.

Again thanks for all the support and food!