Friday, August 21, 2009

here we go again

Everything has been put in place to have my other hip replaced on Tuesday Aug. 25th at 10:20 am. I hope you will all send love and light and wishes for the surgeon to be clear headed and sure of hand.
I've had preop visit with surgeon, preop physical with my family doctor, given some blood so they have my blood type ready, should I need it- and I needed it the last go around and visited another "Skilled Nursing Facility" or SNF as it's called and let them know I wanted to be there come next Friday. You can't decide where you want to be as the beds are first come first served, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can go where I looked.
It's a different one than I went to last go around. I was very happy where I was and managed to have a private room but it was not as convenient to my daughter who I hope will be bringing me some food to supplement what they offer at the SNF, as institution food is institution food and I believe good nutrition is a major part of the healing process.
This place does at least have high speed internet so I can post. The last place they hardly had any idea what I was talking about.
I hope I'll be in the hospital again for 3 days then on to the SNF for a week and then home. I'm hopefull my yoga students will rally around again and help keep me fed once I'm home.

I can't believe I'm doing this all over again so soon but the "done" hip feels so good and the "undone" one is painfull all the time. So I look forward to a new painfree life.

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