Saturday, August 29, 2009

life in a SNF

I came yesterday to a SNF a polite word for "nursing home". They have special wings now for rehabing people who've had surgery and need PT. It's in Charlottesville. The last hip I went to one in Lovingston. That was a lovely rural setting with lots of green around and view of a small mountain. And it was quiet! The advantage here is my daughter is close enough that she can bring me morning coffee, fruit and veggie smoothies, and either lunch or dinner.
They are much more official here. I was greeted by a staffer who itemized everything I brought with me- everything in my suitcase. When we got to all the supplements I brought I persuaded her not to mention them and I would be quiet about them as well. You are not allowed to self medicate, but it irked me before that I listed all my supplements and then the doc prescribes them and the nurse gives them to you. You can bet they are not the same quality as I buy plus a large margin for error so this time I didn't list anything and am doing it all subrosa- I much better way!
I was pleasantly surprised on waking this am to be asked if I would like a shower. Last time I was not allowed a shower until the staples had been removed which happens about 10 days from surgery. Here, if you have staples you get to shower Saturdays and Wednesdays! A lovely woman helped clean me, doing things like feet that I couldn't reach, and my back even my crotch! Anyway the running water and care felt wonderful. Then I put my body lotion on and was evaluated in dressing myself by an OT. I passed thank goodness! So now that she sees I can dress myself I'm told I will learn kitchen prepping, can't wait to see what that will be.
Then I had PT. At this point some bed exercises, some quite painful, walking with the walker, 15 minutes on the nustep. It looks like a recumbent bicycle but the legs bend and straighten. I've been doing that in my post surgery rehab so it was interesting to compare how it feels now. It didn't hurt so much in my left groin as presurgery so that was a plus! Then I practiced walking up and down steps.
they have 2 courtyards here and I spend a lot of time there as my roommate has the tv on most of the day, soaps, contests and cooking shows. It feels so good to be outside and it's quiet!


  1. It is so wonderful the pain is less than pre-op, it is amazing to me considering what goes on. We are all thinking about you, it is POURING here so we are stuck inside. The thunder just scared the heck out of us!


  2. How fantastic you could have a shower so soon after surgery--what a luxury. Sending white light! love, Sheila
