Monday, August 31, 2009

Whew this is a busy place!

As I was eating breakfast this morning someone from the PT dept. came and told me to be ready at 10am for my PT. Shortly after that Laurie who was the wife of the adorable young PT, Dave,who was my PT at the hospital, would come for me at 10:30.
I was told my hair apt. was at 10am too, of course. I decided having my hair washed trumped PT, She did a wonderful job of blow drying my hair and gave a good shampoo so my day was made.
I then went on to PT to meet Laurie. I did 1/2 hours or upper body work- I'll probably not be able to lift my arms tomorrow since I've done none for a week. I was allowed 1/2 for lunch,my smoothie, some almonds, fresh figs and plums eaten sitting in the sun!
Went back to PT and Ralph started my leg PT. Finally at 3:30 I had visitors coming so I quit! I walked up and down steps, 20 minutes on nustep, many bridges, several other leg exercises and then walking down the hall with a cane! I have been using a walker but was surprised to find I did okay with the cane.
Then friends came for a visit of about an hour, sitting out in the sun. Then Jack and my granddaughter Alexi and Marina all showed up. Marina brought a delicious dinner and a little wine and so we sat outside. I ate while we all talked. Now I'm in bed with my leg elevated and an ice pack on as it's very swollen. This happened before so it didn't freak me out. But it sure looks gross.
So never a dull moment- we'll see what tomorrow brings!
I'm planning on going home on Friday- at this rate I'll have to go home to rest! But I'm here for the PT and can't believe how each day I'm stronger and stronger. There are a number of women here who were operated on last week as well- one with hip replacement one with knee replacement, it's the place to be for rehab.

1 comment:

  1. awesome-- sounds like you are having fun and working hard! love you! treva
